In order to have any realistic plan we have to start with the money. Without money nothing can be done, so…


What we usually have is some organizations make some campaigns, gather some money, spend them for few tasks and then they have again to find someone to donate money in order to have how to do anything good. And over and over. Doesn`t sound like proper way, right?

Half if not more of their time is wasted to looking for money. Fact. Because they are non profit organization they will do something good ONLY if someone random rich guy or company allows them some money. And ONLY as much they allow them. How can they guarantee they will keep doing good if they are so dependable from random circumstances? How they can grow? How can they have more resources do more good things next year compared with this one? Or last one?


And here the idea come up. What if… What if we have for example Coca Cola, but not for profit of the stock holders and investors, but ALL profit just for our goals? Imagine the grow, the things we can do with such resources. Here even we start dreaming about. See, there are tons of companies which make trillions of dollars, which go for expensive and usually unnecessary luxury items. Or more profit.

Well they have the money and can do with them whatever they want, but what is the problem to have same money for our goals?

So we come with a plan. We will accept donations, we will take money and resources, but none of them will go for the animals, nature and good things. Not a single cent.

Instead we will give those money and resources to some companies who make profit for us. In short – will invest those money. We will use those money to have own income and when we have income those money will be split 80/20. Which means 80% goes back for reinvestment and the rest 20% goes for the animals and good stuff. That way we will grow with at least 80% annually and can EVERY year do 80% more good things no matter what. In other words if You donate lets say something little. $100 for example. With those $100 we can either to help 1 and only 1 animal and that`s it, before start chasing You to donate again for the second one, or we can invest those money and within 20 years to help to 100 animals, after 30 years to help to 1 000 animals and so on. All with same those $100. There is a difference, right?

Imagine what will be if we have annually donations for just small % of what You usually donate AND those reinvestment plan.

Ok, You have the money, what else different You will do actually for the planet?  You will ask. Well there also we will not count of proofed non working solutions. For this answer —>>>click here—>>>