If You are rich guy/company, have $10 000 000 or more or You have contacts with such people ask Yourself – what will change Your life if You donate $1 000 000 for example? Would Your life become worst? Probably You have every day for diner lobster for example. Not bad, but think for a moment – how much was the price of 1 lobster 10 years ago and how much is now? Inflation? Yes, but not only. The truth is on each lobster You eat today in 20 years are lost 2 000 of them. Simple fact which lead You to a way where will be 2 000 times harder for the fisherman to catch that lobster. In short – same lobster will cost You 2 000 times more expensive if we don`t do anything about.

You  don`t plan to live 20 years? Do You plan Your kids to live 20 years? Because for them will be same situation…

How much $1 000 000 cost to you? You probably will get more only from the tax return. For You those money are only numbers in the bank. Those numbers will not make Your life better, will not make You happier. They will just be numbers which You can grow as You wish, so basically in reality they are nothing more than paid bills and the envy of the people surrounding You. Is it better to keep them in the bank and have nothing in return instead to give us chance to make Your (also) nature much better for You and Your kids? We don`t need all of Your money, just enough to do the difference and nothing more, so… are you in? If yes just contact us —>>>here.—>>>


For the regular hard working people – it may be hard to spare something serious, but it`s not even needed to. If You still didn`t read our plan You may do it —>>>here—> to see what even $100 can do. If we have enough people to support us we can do miracles with only 2 hours overtime weekly for example. It`s important to chase our goals, not excuses.


For people who can`t spare even a dime, nor even trough overtime – there is still a chance to be helpful if You care. Just spread the word with all Your friends, colleagues, all people who can reach. Who knows – maybe this will be more helpful from any money.

And last, but not least – when You eaten Your fruits, no matter what kind, apple, peach, pear, whatever. Just take the seed, place it in some soil, water it and in few weeks You will have nice tree. Plant it somewhere around or in the forest, when You go to picnic and in few years there will be even fruits for the kids to pick. You can`t imagine how happy they are to do it. This also cost You nothing, but is a great way to help the nature.


If You have more questions or want to help just —>>>click here.—>>>